TBI hose bypass
Up Airconditioner Dash Lights Cruise Control Oil Change Light Refinishing Dash Spark Plugs Stereo Mods Recalls & TSB's TBI hose bypass


This shows the throttle body heaterhose bypass mentioned allot on the different boards. This simple mod will lower the temp of the air entering the motor. Cooler air means denser charge:) Always nice....

longhose.jpg (38787 bytes)

The arrow above shows the original location for the long heater hose you see going from the bottom to top.

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And this is the pipe bypassed shown closer, notice the rub mark on the plenum where the hose used to rest:)

frontview.jpg (38136 bytes)

Here you can see the hose headed for the belly of the plenum.

bottomhose.jpg (20574 bytes)

Notice we used the end of the original curved hose and a fitting between it and the heater hose. This solved the problem where the heater hose would kink if run straight to the bottom fitting.

This mod was done b4 the supercharger was installed:) I'm glad we went this way because it would of been a nightmare to get to after the charger.